Wednesday, March 28, 2012

First Week in the books!

     Today marks day seven of my 24 day challenge and so far I have been nothing but impressed!  I feel like a million bucks and even though I’m only one week in, I have been getting LOTS of compliments!  I weighed after day 3 and I had already lost 2lbs but I felt so much more confident in myself!  I think as women we are so focused on the number on the scale instead of the way something makes us feel.  Even if I wasn’t losing weight, the challenge would be worth it because it makes me feel good.  I am more relaxed, I sleep through the night, Spark not only gives me energy but, it also helps with my mood.  I am NOT a morning person but mornings in the Minor household have been very pleasant this week.  J

     The foods that I eat are very similar to what I would eat on the Slow Carb Diet (which I will continue to do even after the challenge) the only difference is I am able to eat fruit.  I dearly missed eating fruit!  The burn part of the Challenge will also be nice because I get to slowly incorporate whole grains into my diet so my first “refuel” day, I am having me some Subway! MMMMmmmmmMMM!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Advocare 24 Day Challenge: Day 1

Today is day one of my 24 Day Challenge from Advocare and even just one day into it, I feel 10 times better than usual!  Went to be late last night and Daniel slept awful.  Dan and I both got up with him once and then morning came way too soon.  After a quick shower, I mixed my fiber drink with the orange Spark and CHUGGED.  I kept telling myself that the gritty pieces were just pulp.   All in all, not too bad for fiber.  Before leaving the house I made a chocolate meal replacement shake in my Ninja and it was really good!  I decided to take a gallon jug to work with me since my goal every day is a gallon of water.  I have a cup for my water but, I’m not going to lie, when no one is around I drink straight from jug!  With all this water you can imagine that I may several trips to the bathroom.  Dan assures me that my bladder will get used to it.  I hope so.  When most people hear that the first part of a challenge is a cleanse, they automatically they are going to be going through the “Big D” for ten day. (Thanks Kyla for the reference! Ha ha!  In truth, I have had no issues.  This is a herbal cleanse and it is meant to be gentle. 

Lunch was pretty normal for me just minus the beans.  Had another spark about 2:30 and then a little snack of fruit and another dose of catalyst.  The plan is another good meal this evening and then another dose of Catalyst and then some Kettle Bell and Zumba. 

I can’t begin to explain how excited Dan and I are at the possibilities for our health and wellness.  I was doing great with my Slow Carb Eating and we will continue to do that in conjunction with our Advocare products and I can’t wait to see the difference in my weight and inches lost!

Monday, March 12, 2012

I am in love...

With the Kettlebell! Holy crap. This thing is amazing!
Not only does it give you a full body work out  but, you can do a LOT of different exercises with it.  I have been doing the standard swing: 3 reps of 25 with a 15lb kettlebell.  I also do several other exercises but, the standard swing is what REALLY gets your heart rate going and you get a nice sweat as well.  I only did the basic swing 3 times last week but, I am going to try doing it 5 days this week.
     My results last week werent great BUT, I'm not letting it discourage me.  Only lost .7lbs but, lost .25 inches in my waist and 1 inch in my lower gut.  I am incorporating more core friendly exercises in hopes to see more results there.
     Dan and I are also looking into trying out some supplements from Advocare.  My sis is doing the 24 day challenge and is pleased with it and having some gret success.  I'm going to make my final decision after she has completed her challenge and we have a chance to thoroughly discuss it.
     I have benn experimenting with some different recipes as well and thankfully my husband is not afraid to try new recipes.  I am dabbling in the ethnic catagory(mainly indian; surprise surprise!) and we have really enjoyed it.  In the book "The 4 Hour Body", Tim Ferris recommends eating the same few meals over and over again but, I know we would get seriously bored so, I try to be creative!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Back on the Wagon

The title says it all.  I didnt fall off the "wagon"...  I jumped.  For the last month(excluding this las week, I have been eating what ever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and as much as I wanted.  Not a good thing.  At all.  I was down 30 lbs before I took a break from the Slow Carb Diet or better known as the 4 hour Body but, I knew the weight was creeping back on when I busted a zipper on my pants at work!  In my defense, I have had these slacks for a LONG time and the zipper was prone to getting stuck but, they busted none the less and it was a wake up call! 
     So, last Sunday, I set myself back to eating healthy and drinking LOTS of water.  I didnt weigh myself because I couldnt see the damage I had done in those last weeks!  Feeling better thourgh out the day and sleeping great is the best way to know your body is adapting to the change.  I used to wake up ALL the time and now, I dont wake up at all.  I did weigh myself this morning and did my measurements since today is my official cheat day.  Weight was only 4.6lbs more than the last time I weighed myself SO, I was ok with that and breathed a sigh of relief.
    I have been seriously researching using Advocare supplements to assist in the weight loss.  Shout out to my little sis doing her 24 Day Challenge!  I used Advocare years ago when i was in high school and lost a boat load of weight.  I know that the systems have change somewhat but, I think I could definetely benefit from trying it out and Dan has shown some interest as well.  I'll keep yall up to date with that. 
     I find my biggest challenege is working out!  Finding the time and energy is difficult.  Morning are a no go because I'm up at 4:30 to start the day and once I get home at 5 or 5:30, I'm exhausted!  I know its an excuse and I have to get over it.  Even if it is just the 20 minute Zumba "Rush" DVD.  I know I will see an increase in my weight loss if I just get to moving.  I have to make that my experiment!