Sunday, October 30, 2011

First Cheat Day~ Weeeeeeeeee!

Ah, cheat day!  I was SO ready for you! I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into something tasty and full of carbs/sugar that had been off limits for the last 5 days.  I do have to say we actually didn't go all fat girl crazy on our cheat day.  We had sausage biscuits and fruit and yogurt parfaits for breakfast and, the best part: a big, fat Dr. Pepper!  After getting our order, I quickly ripped the paper of the straw, popped the straw in the lid and took a big ol' swig...... whoa..whoa..  This isn't what I had been waiting to indulge in!  This wasn't the carbonated goodness that God had bestowed to us directly from his own cup!  This tasted like....not Dr.Pepper.  Well, it was Dr Pepper but, not MY Dr. Pepper.  It just didn't taste right.  Evan Dan agreed, the Dr. Pepper tasted different to him since he last had one.  I guess it not tasting as good as I remembered isn't a such a bad thing.  Lunch consisted of chicken fajita nachos from Rosa's. I pointed out to Dan as we were waiting to order that we could always have the chicken fajita salad when it wasn't our cheat day.  Just had to cut out the cheese and sour cream.  I have, in fact, had this salad(it was by mistake when our order was wrong) and it was very good.  There is just something about the chicken fajita meat from that place!  I didn't eat much at the football game mainly because Dan ate all of what we should have been sharing.  He is such a FAT girl!  I told him I need my own fridge and pantry because he eats everything!  *sigh*  After leaving the game, we headed home to drop off my brother and Angela and to let Duchess out to do her business and then we headed to Lorenzo to pick up our Little Love.  We then both agreed that on the way back, we needed to stop at Sonic for a cheese burger before our cheat day was over.  And that is just what we did and it was SO good.  NOM NOM NOM

Now, the writer of The 4 Hour Body does tell you will have some weight gain after cheat day that could be up to 5lbs.  Not to worry!  Your body needs this spike in calories and since it is not used to breaking down dairy, sugar, carbs, etc that you have not been eating, it will take it a little longer to digest your food.  Just jump back on the Slow Carb train the day after your cheat day and keep on going!  Dan and I both did see a 3 pound gain today but,m we will both be working out today and hopefully, that 3lbs plus some lost will be reflected on the scale in the morning.

Speaking of scales, I personally like to weigh myself every morning.  That was I can monitor my proogress.  If I dont lose or if I gain, I know I need to tweek something that day to see results.  It also is VERY encouraging to see the number grow smaller every day.  Some people do prefer to weigh themselves on a weekly basis and there is nothing wrong with that.  It is really personal prference.

Well,  the house is clean, Daniel is napping and Dan ran up to campus to get me some papers (I am a couponer also in my spare time!) and I think I am going to relax and enjoy the quiet with Duchess!
~Until tomorrow!

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